a little help with brushes

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Joined:Mon May 08, 2017 8:15 am
a little help with brushes

Post by youghurt » Mon May 08, 2017 8:29 am

Hey guys, i'm having kind of a big problem and it's driving me crazy, i was hoping to find a bit of help here.
Soo the problem is this : I switched over from photoshop where i have used only very simple brushes (usually squarish, with sharp edges but no 100% opacity, except for my blocking brush) I've never ever used blending with my brushes and no blending brush in photoshop ever, but almost every brush here in paintstorm is blending and even with underlayers! (i know you can disable that but still) I can't paint literally anything, just spend about three hours trying to get used to the brushes, trying to paint a simple study and i just caan't, it's making me so angry. I can't put proper colors on the canvas cut it always puts with a mixture of what i have choosed and of what's already on the canvas. Now is there even a working option to disable blending? cuz i didn't found any.
I tried to make my own brushes, but they wouldn't work (no cursor rotation - even if selected, etc..)
So i don't know what to do, the way i've worked in photoshop was always using just hard edged brushes and blending them with smudge tool, it worked so well for me and now i can't understand anything, i can't see use for almost any of those brushes and their properties (it's always like one thing that ruins the entire brush for me). I've been fascinated by this program and by the low price of it and i think you guys are making a great work, i don't wanna sound ungrateful as anger speaks for me, i just need a bit of help with this i suppose.
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Re: a little help with brushes

Post by support » Tue May 09, 2017 4:12 pm

all you need is set Color amount slider to 100 and disable any dynamic to it (fastest way ctrl+click at the slider button)
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