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Scaling and Percentage based functions, and Brush Settings

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:10 pm
by ArmorWraith
Would be interesting to make brushes that could scale based on percentages. Textures would also be interesting.

An example: A brush that will always gain 50% size and scale accordingly regardless of the max size or min size.
I think this would have a lot of use cases and make the brush engine stronger, however I don't know what the performance impact would be like.
Spacing, scatter, opacity would be cool too!

Also, would be interesting to have rolling textures, or be able to assign a small jitter, rotation, or scale as you paint or draw.

An option to specify the minimum size in a text box would be nice too, you could put it as a toggle in the settings to show max and min if you want to "declutter" the brush settings panel.

A toggle for at least 1 px, so brushes will always maintain 1 px to avoid gaps. It seems when you scale down really small, brushes get fuzzy and lose fidelity, as well as massive gaps when using textures. I haven't figured a way around this yet.

An option to toggle antialiasing per brush basis, and set a custom stabilization for the lasso tools

Option to "lock" a brush parameter, example: size will no longer change even if you accidentally push [ or ]. I would really love this for pencils <3

