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Feature request: More Hotkey Customisation

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 2:54 pm
by spiked
  • I would really appreciate being able to quickly rename layers using a hotkey (preferably custom)
  • Why can't we change/add hotkeys to all menu items? For example "File > Place Image".
Also- a less important suggestion:
Krita's system for reference is very good- you just drag and drop image files in and can then move them around wherever you like, even off the canvas, adjust their opacity, rotation etc and toggle them on and off. The most important part is that all the reference images save with the file- so when you close it and open it back up later you can carry on exactly how you had it, rather than having to find and set up all the reference again. It's a great time saver. I think this sort of system would be great for paintstorm too, but I appreciate this could be a lot of work to implement.

As ever- keep up the great work- paintstorm continues to get even better. I noticed and appreciate that you implemented the layer colours.