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[SUGGESTION] Make the recent color palette only update on colors that have been previously used in the canvas

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 7:51 pm
by charbelnicolas
It would be nice if the recent colors would only update or add colors if the chosen color has been previously used on the canvas, otherwise the recent colors palette gets cluttered pretty fast.

It would also be nice if the colors wouldn't duplicate. If, let's say, red is already on the recent colors palette, don't make a new red color right next to it....
duplicates.png (7.34KiB)Viewed 1000 times
Thank you, I hope you take these into consideration.

Re: [SUGGESTION] Make the recent color palette only update on colors that have been previously used in the canvas

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:36 am
by support
But sometimes in color testing you can try some and think - "maybe another will be better... wow, no, previous was better" but you will not reanimate it in this case.