Some Feedback

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Some Feedback

Post by Arkadius » Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:39 am


I just want to say I love the program so far. Everyone at work has been really excited to see what PaintStorm can do.

I do have some suggestions for future releases. I've only been playing with the program for a few weeks, but I figure any feedback is good feedback. Here is a sample my work if that helps

Sticky Keys
I was hoping that sticky keys would be implemented in a future release

Bug/Brush Behavior
When I dab a paint brush it doesn’t produce a mark. I need to make a stroke in order for a mark to appear. Only the oil brushes behave this way regular brushes are fine.

Custom Shapes
please :)

Auto Update/Send to Photoshop
Photo detects when a file has been saved/changed and updates the file automatically , it would make jumping between PS and Paint storm easier.

Select Multiple Layers at the same time.
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Re: Some Feedback

Post by support » Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:20 pm

Thank you for feedback.
What do you mean by sticky keys?

Hairy brush doesn't produce mark at 1st touch in Corel painter too, hairs need for example 2 points of dub position, it's seems wrong only if you want to draw with mouse, but then you use pen every touch have a little slide on canvas.

Custom shapes - coming soon also as Photoshop ABR forms import

"Auto Update/Send to Photoshop" - it's harder, we think about it, but can't get exact date of solution.
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Re: Some Feedback

Post by okuma_10 » Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:15 pm

I had made a topic about the auto update.There, support mentioned that an autoupdate feature will be a bit hard to do since it involves some external stuff.And they said that there are more important features than auto update.
But I did mention that right now if you go to file>open and select the file already opened,and if you made changes to it in another software,PSS will open the new version with no problem.Unlike some software, that you had to close the document and then reopen it.That being said,and as I mentioned on my post,can,t a action/macro type of code be a work around to the auto update?

The user runs the command from hotkey or from the file menu,and PSS basically reopens the document you are viewing now.I'm suspect that PSS code could query it's own processes.All it needs to do is look at which document tab is active,then look up it's file path(I guess it can do that,since when you hit save it overwrites the file it had opened,so it knows where the file is and which file it is,on the HDD),and then basically does file>open[file path].

Just an idea :geek:
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Re: Some Feedback

Post by Arkadius » Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:02 pm

Awesome news about the brush shapes!

sticky Keys
users can press and hold down the key, temporarily activating the tool, then use the tool. Once the adjustments are made, users can release the key, deactivating the tool without further clicks, and reverting back to the Original tool.

I'm using a brush but I need to erase, I can hit and hold the "e" key which activates erase, I do all the erasing I need. I then can release the "e" key and this will toggle the tool back to a painting brush and I can continue to paint.

Paint dab
It is not about painting with a mouse, I never painting with a mouse, but sometimes I need a tiny about of painting on an edge or just need to make a sharp highlight. Needing to make a stroke feels clunky and not natural, I can make dabs on real canvas why not in Paint Storm :)

Sad about the Auto update, but it seems like Okuma has a good idea :)
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Re: Some Feedback

Post by support » Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:00 pm

OK, now understand
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